Friday 21 March 2014

target audience

the target audience for the case is for mixed gender people between the ages of fifteen and twenty five. this is because people at this age are generaly at work or university so they need to escape from their stressful lives by watching films. the case is a crime thriller so we ant really show it to people under the age of fifteen because one of the first things that happens in the film is a death the reason that the film is a fifteen and not an eighteen is because the film would be cutting out about a third of its target audience and would therfor lose a lot of money when putting the films in cinama.the reason that the film has a mixed gender is because in modern society men and women are getting more interested in the same types of films. such as most horror films have about  55% of the audience being male and 45% of the audience being female.we dont think that old people such as 65 and over would enjoy this film as much because they might find it slightly boring and possibly confusing also later on in the film there may be alot of action and loud noises e.g. explosions that an older audience may find discomforting.

Friday 14 March 2014

Evaluation Targets

You've done so well this year Ashley - so let's push ourself in the final stretch to really show our ability to reflect on our progress. Comment in detail on your findings from audience feedback - which is missing at the moment. Revisit your recent posts and see if there are any more opportunities to use specialist terminolgy to explore mise-en-scene, ediiting and camera composition and comment on the way you intended to appeal to your target audience even more - there's so much to comment on to show how reflective you can be. Get working with your group tro complete director's commentaries and comment more on what you have learnt from others.

Thursday 6 March 2014

screen grabs of the case

this shot is the first of the film, the case. the shot shows a lot of the surrounding area of the dead body.this shot gives the audience an understanding of the scene and location of the opening two minutes of the film.this conforms to the steriotype of murders not happening on busy streets because this location looks almost rural and run down. because of the shot showing the edge of the bridge it shows the audience that the dead person could of fell off the bridge. this shot makes the audience think lots of differant questions such as how did this man die?, who killed him?, is he dead and why is he in this location? this is why we extended the shot so the audience have time to think about it.

this shot is a shot of the two detectives walking into the scene. to do this shot we used a dolly shot in which luke held the camera and walked backwards as the two detectives walked towards the scene this is good because it lets the audience get an idea of what albert and tom are like e.g. the audience now know that albert smokes and thinks he should stop. the scene also shows props for the film such as the police tape. the tape makes the scene seem more realistic to the audience as all murder investigations are restricted by police tape this shot shows the two detectives standing side byside so the audience automaticly recognises that they are partners. this is conventional because most detectives have a partner or sidekick.

this shot shows the two detectives excepting a portfollio of the case that they are about to shows that the two detectives are both werein suits but albert has a jumper under his blazzer, this is because we wanted albert to be a unique, recogniseable detective. the blazzers are steriotypical of the detectives. we wanted this to be like this because we wanted the audience to know that the two detectives are detectives. 
the police officers uniform tells the audience instantly that the police officer in the scene is a police officer because it is an internationaly recognised uniform. we also used the paper so the police officer looks as if he is actualy doing his job

this shot  shows effects such as lens flear being demonstrated. lens flear is used to add realism to a scene. we also used lens flear to show that the sun is out and that we could make sure that the audience would recognise that this was filmed the morning after the mans death. the shot shows the detectives looking upwards to see how the man could of fell off the bridge. this is expected from the detectives and adds realism to the film. the lighting in this shot makes the two detectives look like they are good because people associate this light with angels coming down from heaven. the light in this scene contrasts with the darkness in the flash back scene because the lighting is extremely dark in one scene and extremely light in the other

ths shot uses the make up on the face of the dead body. the make up was done by using paint over the top of jelitine. it also shows the detective checking the dead body for clues or sines of how he was killed.we used make up on the dead body so the audience would recognise that he is brused and injured and that is the reason he died.

this shot show the content of the mans wallet. this shows that the dead body is thought about and we have given him an identity. this shows the veiwers that the deadbody matters to the storyline or we wouldnt of bothered using a wallet as a prop for the dead body.the wallet is used as a prop in the film and gives the film realism as most people do carry around a wallet with them and this makes the film seem realistic. this is a point of veiw shot from the detectives eyes this is used because the audience can see what the detective sees and will thenfeel as if they are looking at this mans wallet  

 the text in this shot is plain and white which is a convention of the genre. we didnt want to have red wrighting or black wrighting because red would of made the film seem like a horror and we thought that if the text was ritten in black it would of made the film look to normal and boring.the shot of the detective is from a slightly low angle which makes him seem powerfull and in control.the setting in this shot makes the audienece think that the location is rural and far away and hidden and this is probably why someone chose to kill someone here. we used a medium shot in this scene so the audience can see the detectives body language and also the expression on his face.
 Why have you used a medim shot here?  How do you want us to feel about your character?  What connatations does your setting have (uinder the bridge?)
this shot shows a mid shot of the man who owns the case. the shot is of the man holding on to a bridge after being pushed over the bridge. this scene is in one of the detectives thoughts. the detective explanes what he thought happened to the dead person (how he was killed) so we acted out his thoughts.the shot shows the man hangging from the bridge. we could of filmed from the other side of the bridge and just shown the mans hands.   How did you achieve this shot? What could you have doen differently?

in this image we can see albert and tom staring down at "the case" as they are about to openen it. this is a big moment in the film because the audience are about to find out what is in the case. the low angle shot of the two detectives make them seem as if they have power and are in control. this is the effect we wanted to creat because the two detectives are now in possesion of the case. 

this shot uses match on action as one detective throws a small bag at to the other detective. two two back to back shots are of one detective throwing the bag and then the other catching this shot we can see the detective opening the small bag. this would build suspense to the audiencebecause they want to know what is in the little black bag.  Did you also want to make a point of emphasising the suits that the characters are wearing?  Why?

morgan freeman and albert comparison

this is a picture of Albert from the case and Morgan freeman from the movie seven. the two characters dress quite alike because we wanted to base albert on another detective from a film. the reason that albert doesnt have a tie is because we didnt want the two characters to be exactly the same because people wont see the film as an origional film. the reason that we wanted albert to be differant to most detectives is because we want the veiwers to recognise the suit with the jumper under it and think of Albert. we didnt want alberts costume to be too differant from the average on screen detectives costume because the audience would not recognise Albert as the detective in the film. we gave albert a fake ciggeret in the scene to give the audience some insight on his life.the reason that we chose morgan freemans character from seven to base albert on  because seven is a very well known film and morgan freeman is a very well known actor and people will relate albert to his acting ability when they see alberts clothing. albert also doenst have a hat on like morgan freeman because we didnt think that a hat would suit the film as people of the 21st centery rearly use bowler hats like the one that morgan freeman has in this scene.

Thursday 27 February 2014

this is the animated stroy board. we added the script over the top of the story board so so the vveiwers of the storyboard will have a better understanding of what is happening in the scene

Monday 24 February 2014


this is the script for the two minute opening of the film the case. we chose to put a lot of questions in the opening so the audience are made to also think about what the answers to the questions could be such as the question "but whats in the case?" this will make the audience think about the many possibilties of what could be in the case e.g. money, a map, governmaent secrets. this will make the audience want to see the rest of the film so they can find out whats in the case

the case

Friday 14 February 2014

actor interveiws

as you can see a lot of the answers by the differant actors are differant to each others.but some of them are the same. all of the films or actors that the actors chose to pick are famous and easily recognised instead of small budget films

Tuesday 28 January 2014

opening to the case (changes)

for the opening scene to the case we have changed the original idea slightly e.g. instead of having someone as a camera man. we have all used the camera in the scenes that we are not in. besides that we have also had small changes such as instead of me not having a hand because the killer sawed it off we just had bruising on my hand.

we also improvised somethings into the scene that we only thought of just before filming such as pretending the dead body had a German passport. this peace of information makes the dead body seem like an important person because he seems as if he has gone all the way to the UK from Germany

Monday 20 January 2014

this is a video of luke putting make up on an assistant to demonstarate the make up that was used in the filming of the case. in this clip luke melted geletin in a bowl for  10-30 seconds in the microwave so it would turn into a liquid. he then waited for the liquid to cool down. luke poured the geletin on to the assistants face and he spread it to the area he wanted to look scard . the geletin makes the skin look bumpy and rugh like a scar or burn. luke then waited for the gelotin to harden on to the assistants face and painted in red over the gelotin to give it the colour of a scar. luke also painted around the scar in a dark purple to create the effect of brusing on the assistants face because for the opening to the case we wanted to create a brusing effect on the dead body because in the storyline the dead body died from falling off a bridge (which would cause brusing.)

Tuesday 7 January 2014


Quentin Tarintino is one of the worlds most famous and successful directors. the first film tarintino directed and wrote was "my best freinds birthday." he has made roughly £450,000,000 in the box office so far in his directing career some of his best films have been pulp fiction,ingloriouse bastards and django unchained. aswell as being an amazing director tarintino has been in many of his own films. one of the reasons that quentin tarintino is an extremely good director is becuase he has directed many different types of films. he has directed pulp fiction which is an action film and he has also directed films such as little nivky which is a comedy
 he has worked with actors such john trivoltta, adam sandler and samuel el jackson

steven spielberg is also one of the most famous directors in the world.he has directed such films as jaws,E.T, shindlers list and saving private ryan. spielberg has made 3.3 billion off of all of his films.he is 67 years old and has succesfully directed 50 films and produced 129 films. in 1982 seven spielberg directed E.T the extra terrestrial, this was his highest grossing made $435,110,554
in the box office. steven spielberg is such an amazing director because he has directed many differant types of films that belong to different genres. but he mostly direct action films. he has worked with such actors as harrison ford and tom hanks

 james cameron is another one of the worlds best directors. james ameron has directed such films as  the terminator, avatar and titanic. this is so significant because this proves that james cameron directs the best films because titanic was made in 1997 and stayed as the highest grossing film in the world with a total of $2,186,772,282 until cameron exceded himself with avatar making $2,782 275,172.this proves that there is no'one who can finacialy compeat with james camerons films. James Camerons net worth is $700 million wich is only exceeded by steven spielberg and george lucas but james cameron has only directed 13 films so it would be almost impossibal for him to make as much as spielberg. he has worked with such actors as leonado dicaprio and kate winslet

Ridley Scott is a British director who has made such films as Alien, blade runner and Thelma and Louise. Ridley Scott's current net worth is 140 million and has directed 19 films over all his highest grossing film is alien. it made $203,630,630 in the box office he as worked with such actors as Russel crow

wes craven is possibly the most successful horror director in the world. he has directed such films as the hills have eyes, a nightmare on elm street, scream and the last house on the left. his highest grossing film was scream.173,046,663. Wes cravens current net worth is about 40 million. these are Wes cravens top ten highest grossing films. generally wes craven rights slasher films but he has wrote other films such as shocker.he has worked with such actors as Kevin Williamson and Robert Englund
this shows that wes craven is an extremely successful director because he has directed over ten successful horror films

George Lucas is one of the worlds most respected directors mainly because of his directing skills in all of the star wars films. star wars the phantom menace and it made $1,027,044,677 in the box office world wide. all of the star wars films are in the top 200 highest grossing films in history. George Lucas's net worth is 7.3 billion which means that he has a higher net worth than Steven spielberg. george lucas has now sold the rites to starwars to disney for 4 billion