Monday 18 November 2013

opening to se7en

in the opening scene to the crime film se7en we see several images such as the sketch of someones hands that indicate that this film is going to be about crime. in the opening credits the audience can see that someone is clearly looking through or creating a record for someone. because the record is so big and has a lot of information the audience can tell that the criminal has clearly done a lot wrong and it is important that he is caught.
the lighting in the scene looks as if someone is sat with a lamp doing work. this already introduces us to the main character (the detective) in this film. in this scene we see a hand holding a razor blade this tells the audience that this film is going to contain violence
because of the fast pace editing and camera work in this scene it hints towards the fact that there will be some action in this film
the use of font in this scene makes it look as if it has been calved with a knife. this makes the audience feel like there will be some amount of violence in this film. by reading some of whats in the profile of the killer we can see at certain points the words killed,children,sexual and the phrase "much different." this shows the viewer that the killer of the victim/victims is extremely strange and it also shows them what kind of person will be in this film.the way that the colour red keeps coming up in the scene shows and reminds the audience of blood. it could also represent a dark room where detectives hang pictures of the crime scene. this tells the audience that there has been a crime
the fact that the writing in this scene is mostly typed instead of being hand written shows the audience that the profile of the criminal is being looked at by more then one person
because the names brad pitt and Morgan freeman appear in the scene we can tell taht this is a high budget film because the two actors are extremely expensive to higher. because the two names are written in white on top of black we can tell that this film is going to be quite dramatic.
the scary but yet dramatic music in this scene tells the audience that the film is going to have some scary moments in it bt also some serious moments in it.

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