Friday 22 November 2013


the 12 certificate represents that only people over the age of 12 and over can veiw this film.Theme: Mature themes are acceptable, but their treatment must be suitable for young teenagers.
Language: The use of strong language should be rare and must be justified by context.
Nudity: Nudity is allowed, but in a sexual context will be brief and discreet.
Sex: Sexual activity may be implied. Sexual references may reflect the familiarity of most adolescents today with sex education through school.
Violence: Violence must not dwell on detail. There should be no emphasis on injuries or blood. Sexual violence may only be implied or briefly indicated and without physical detail.
Imitable techniques: Dangerous techniques (examples include: combat, hanging, suicides) should contain no imitable detail. Realistic and contemporary weapons should not be glamorised.
Horror: Sustained threat and menace is permitted. Occasional gory moments only.
Drugs: Brief and occasional references to, and sight of, 'soft' drug-taking (eg cannabis) are allowed, but must be justified by context and should indicate the dangers. No instructional elements are permitted

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