Thursday 5 December 2013

genre research action

action research

action films make a lot of money in the box office. most peoples favourite films are action films. films like the dark knight ,the expendables ,casino ray ale and die hard make  a huge amount of money in the box  office. Some of the conventions of action films are strong hero character, slightly less strong villain, women who is in need of being rescued, exotic location and fast scenes and weapons.
most of the time the leading role in action films are played by strong American men like Bruce Willis or Arnold Schwarzenegger. This is because the audience will find it more believable that a man can do all these amazing things if he has an amazing physique

the villain in most action films is either from a different country or slightly eccentric. this is because it is less relatable to the viewers so they don’t feel persuaded by his or her views.
most action films have a love interest because this gives the hero a quest to complete and therefor makes the plot of the film
most action films contain a large amount of weapons because this gives the film a sense of danger and gets the viewers excited. it makes the audience believe that there is a chance that the hero could die which makes the film more exciting

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