Saturday 5 October 2013

silence of the lambs movie poster

this is a movie poster that was created to advertise the horror film silence of the lambs.the audience who see this poster will recognise that this is a horror movie poster because of the use of red eyes on the face in the picture. red eyes oftern depict evil or a bad person in a movie. the extremely white face makes the audience think of ghosts or death. ghosts and death are two main conventions of horror films. in the center of the image we can also see a large moth over the mouth of the face in the picture this links clossely to the name of the film because of the word "silence." the moth in the picture is covering the mouth of the face to represent that the character can not talk. the moth in the image is also not very bright cheery colours, instead it is many differant shades of brown and white. this indecates that the moth is not as beautiful on the outside or the inside.

the moth is a key part of the movie poster because of the symbal on the moths back. a lot of beople think that the image represents a skull because it is white in colour and if you lokk closely you can see eye wholes and a mouth with teeth in the image. skulls are closely link to death which is a convention of horror films. some people annitate the image differantly and think that there are seven naked people in the tiny image on the moths back . naked people would represent sex and impuritys. explicit sex is related to satan. satan and evilness is a convention of horror films

the name of the films written along the bottem of the poster in orange which makes it easier for the audience to see because it contrasts with the dark background.

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