Friday, 20 December 2013
Research and Planning Provisional Mark
You need to revisit research posts and explore further target audience, editing, mise en scene, locations, camera compostition, sound, light, branding, use of titles, genre indicators, key moments. Create an animatic using your storyboard materials and comments on its strengths. You need to evidence your music research and choices. Post on the history of your genre. Make sure you haven't posted something without commenting on it fully. Where are pictures and titles needed to support your posts? 13/20
Tuesday, 17 December 2013
crime thriller mood board
this is a mood board that represents a lot of things that our associated with crime thrillers.some things that are assocciated with crime thrillers are deaths,money,detectives,crimanal files, most crimes in crime thrillers are deaths because the audience gets exited if there is a killer on the loose because this means that anyone could die at any minute and its hard to predict the next person ( if any person) is going to die yet.if no,one dies in the film/tv show than the crime commited id most oftern a robbery of a large amount . on hte mood board we also have pictures of books such as "rush of blood and the cocktail waitress." this is because the books are all crime friller books
Monday, 16 December 2013
update on the case
we have now filmed all of the footage we needed to film for the two minute opening of the case but we now have over two and a half minutes so we will probably have to edit out some of the clips. in basics the whole two minute oppening consists of a dead body being found by two detectives who find items on the dead body such as a wallet and a bag of diamonds. in a river near by the detectives find a breif case that belonged to the dead person after they find the case one of the detectives asks the other one what he thought happened and then we have a flash back scene of what happened. after this we have the two detectives open the case which builds suspence because we dont tell the audience whats in the case
Monday, 9 December 2013
genre research (horror)
genre research (horror)
in most horror films there are a lot of similarity such as in 99% of horror films someone dies.this is because this is what people who go to whats horror films expect to see. also in a lot of horror films there are a lot of stereotypical views of women such as they are weak and useless which is why in a lot of horror films if anyone trys to fight a villain its normally the lead male role. a lot of old horror films such as nightmare on elm street, Friday the 13th and Halloween have a villain who th film is based around whereas in new horror films we have been seeing this less and most horror films focus on either Apocalypse or paranormal themes and the villain are either zombies or ghosts.
in any horror film old or new there is always creepy music that indicates that something bad is going to happen or the antagonist is close.
most horror characters have something about there past that made them the way they are e.g. Freddy Kruger was a pedophile so the towns people burnt him,Jason voorhees drowned because two teenagers went watching him and Micheal Myers was locked in an insane asylum
in most horror films there are a lot of similarity such as in 99% of horror films someone dies.this is because this is what people who go to whats horror films expect to see. also in a lot of horror films there are a lot of stereotypical views of women such as they are weak and useless which is why in a lot of horror films if anyone trys to fight a villain its normally the lead male role. a lot of old horror films such as nightmare on elm street, Friday the 13th and Halloween have a villain who th film is based around whereas in new horror films we have been seeing this less and most horror films focus on either Apocalypse or paranormal themes and the villain are either zombies or ghosts.
in any horror film old or new there is always creepy music that indicates that something bad is going to happen or the antagonist is close.
most horror characters have something about there past that made them the way they are e.g. Freddy Kruger was a pedophile so the towns people burnt him,Jason voorhees drowned because two teenagers went watching him and Micheal Myers was locked in an insane asylum
our own production company
we have decided to make our own production company for our film (the case) istead of using universal or columbia. we have decided to call the production company last post studios. this is because it is relevant to the people who are filming the two minute opening because the word last has the first letter of all of our names (Luke,Ashley,Sam,Tom) the last post was also a peace of music that was played at the funeral of solders of the british empire this is significant to us because we live in britian and have great respect to the british army.the last post is treditionaly played on the bugle this is why as the main image for our production company we have a siluet of a man playing the bugle
shot types

this is a long shot of a women in the wood compared with an extreme long shot of a women in the woods as you can see an extreme long shot doesn't focus as much on the person but instead there whole surroundings. this kind of shot is normaly used if we are introduced to a new location and the film is trying to femilialise the audience with the location
Thursday, 5 December 2013
the case is a (15)
we have decided to make our film a certifacate 15 film because it allows us to include a dead body in our film and a scene where the victum gets pushed off a also allows the actors to use some strong language.if we made the film an 18 it would exclude quite a lot of our target audience considering our target audience is young men (15-25 year old men.)if we made our film an 18 it would exclude about 30% of our target audience.
we didnt make the film an 18 because it would be compleatly unesserccery because we are having any scenes with sexual content in our film.
we didnt make the film an 18 because it would be compleatly unesserccery because we are having any scenes with sexual content in our film.
genre research action
action research
action films make a lot of money in the box office. most
peoples favourite films are action films. films like the dark knight ,the
expendables ,casino ray ale and die hard make
a huge amount of money in the box
office. Some of the conventions of action films are strong hero character,
slightly less strong villain, women who is in need of being rescued, exotic
location and fast scenes and weapons.
most of the time the leading role in action films are played
by strong American men like Bruce Willis or Arnold Schwarzenegger. This is
because the audience will find it more believable that a man can do all these
amazing things if he has an amazing physique
the villain in most action films is either from a different
country or slightly eccentric. this is because it is less relatable to the viewers
so they don’t feel persuaded by his or her views.
most action films have a love interest because this gives the
hero a quest to complete and therefor makes the plot of the film
Wednesday, 4 December 2013
the case
we have decided to call our two minute opening "the
case" this is because the words the case relate to the story in two different
ways. The first way it relates to it is because its a crime film, and in all
crime films a detective has to solve a case. the second way that the words the
case relates to the film is because in the opening two minutes we have some
killed and the killer kills the man because he wants a brief case that the victim
is holding. After the police and detectives show up and examine the dead body
they realise that one of the hands of the dead man are missing and that there
is a trail of blood leading to a river. After this we find a briefcase in the
river and this builds a lot of suspense for the rest of the film because the
audience will be wondering what is in the case.
genre reserch
genre research (crime)
because we are doing a crime thriller i looked at some of the conventions of crime thrillers such as in nearly all crime thrillers the crime that is committed is normal a murder because this means that the case that the detectives have to solve means more because other people could get killed.
in most crime thrillers there is a main detective and his/her sidekick.the main detective will normally have something slightly odd about him e.g. in a wheelchair, has a weird hat, has a completely out of date mustash,has wierd glasses ect. the sidekick will normally ask unnecessary questions such as "so your saying this isnt a suiced"or"do you think this was a murder when it is clearly obverse that that is what the detective is most murders in crime thrillers there will be something that you wouldnt find in the average murder that distinguishes the murder to a certain person e.g.the detectives discover that the victim was killed with a meat cleaver so they retrace it to a butcher. in most crime thrillers the is a big question asked like "how could he kill him if he wasn't there at the time " and then the question will be answered about ten minutes before the end of the film
because we are doing a crime thriller i looked at some of the conventions of crime thrillers such as in nearly all crime thrillers the crime that is committed is normal a murder because this means that the case that the detectives have to solve means more because other people could get killed.
in most crime thrillers there is a main detective and his/her sidekick.the main detective will normally have something slightly odd about him e.g. in a wheelchair, has a weird hat, has a completely out of date mustash,has wierd glasses ect. the sidekick will normally ask unnecessary questions such as "so your saying this isnt a suiced"or"do you think this was a murder when it is clearly obverse that that is what the detective is most murders in crime thrillers there will be something that you wouldnt find in the average murder that distinguishes the murder to a certain person e.g.the detectives discover that the victim was killed with a meat cleaver so they retrace it to a butcher. in most crime thrillers the is a big question asked like "how could he kill him if he wasn't there at the time " and then the question will be answered about ten minutes before the end of the film
update of our 2 minute opening
01/12/2013 we were meant to film most of our 2 minute opening to the case but sadly i was ill so i couldnt go to the set but quite a lot was still filmed such as the scene where the two detectives walk over to the dead body to find out what has happened. this scene takes up about 25 seconds of our film so we still have about 1 minute 35 left of the two minute opening to film. we now have props for the scene such as police tape which makes the scene seem a lot more realistic because ever real investigation scene has police tape to tell cevillians to not be near it.we also have the police vest for the scene which also makes it seem alot more realistic because it is an item that is nesserccery for ever police officer to have
production company research

in the case we are having 5 actors albert, sam, tom, luke and me.i am playing a dead body that got killed by being pushed off a bridge.albert is acting as the main detective who finds that the dead body is missing a hand.sam is playing a police officer who finds a breif case in a river near by the scene of my death. tom is acting as a another detective,luke is acting as a witness who fingds the dead body under the bridge .we are trying to find someone else as a camera man for the opening two minute film but if we can not then we can just take turns filming scenes that we are not in.
sound research
for the sound research of this film we tried looking on the
internet for websites that allow the user to make music or background noise.
Most of the websites that we went on didn’t allow us to download or use for
free or were not very user friendly so we decided not to use them. we did find
one website that gave the users a 30 day free trial so we tried to use this to
make our background music for the film but because the variety of instruments
that the site had didn’t suit the mood we decided not to use it.we had an idea
of what to we wanted as background music and then we found out that the music
department at school had the right software so Sam and Luke went and made a
peace of music that we are going to have in the background of the part of our
film where the detectives see the dead body
costume research

Friday, 22 November 2013
the 12 certificate represents that only people over the age of 12 and over can veiw this film.Theme: Mature themes are acceptable, but their treatment must be suitable for young teenagers.
Language: The use of strong language should be rare and must be justified by context.
Nudity: Nudity is allowed, but in a sexual context will be brief and discreet.
Sex: Sexual activity may be implied. Sexual references may reflect the familiarity of most adolescents today with sex education through school.
Violence: Violence must not dwell on detail. There should be no emphasis on injuries or blood. Sexual violence may only be implied or briefly indicated and without physical detail.
Imitable techniques: Dangerous techniques (examples include: combat, hanging, suicides) should contain no imitable detail. Realistic and contemporary weapons should not be glamorised.
Horror: Sustained threat and menace is permitted. Occasional gory moments only.
Drugs: Brief and occasional references to, and sight of, 'soft' drug-taking (eg cannabis) are allowed, but must be justified by context and should indicate the dangers. No instructional elements are permitted
Language: The use of strong language should be rare and must be justified by context.
Nudity: Nudity is allowed, but in a sexual context will be brief and discreet.
Sex: Sexual activity may be implied. Sexual references may reflect the familiarity of most adolescents today with sex education through school.
Violence: Violence must not dwell on detail. There should be no emphasis on injuries or blood. Sexual violence may only be implied or briefly indicated and without physical detail.
Imitable techniques: Dangerous techniques (examples include: combat, hanging, suicides) should contain no imitable detail. Realistic and contemporary weapons should not be glamorised.
Horror: Sustained threat and menace is permitted. Occasional gory moments only.
Drugs: Brief and occasional references to, and sight of, 'soft' drug-taking (eg cannabis) are allowed, but must be justified by context and should indicate the dangers. No instructional elements are permitted
the pg stands for perental guidence. this means that the perants of a child may choose if the film is suitible for there child. All ages admitted, but certain scenes may be unsuitable for young children. May contain mild language and sex/drugs references. May contain moderate violence if justified by context
the u certificate tells the veiwer or buy of the film that this film is appropriate to whatch no matter what your childs age is
Planning Targets
You need to revisit your posts about film openings and make more comments on mise en scene, sound, titles, character, genre, lighting, camera work and editing. You need to evidence more of your planning - interviews with actors, schedules, storyboarding and scripting. You need to have chosen some title font to use and expalined your choices for music. You need to push yourself between now and the end of term, when all of the filming must have been done, to earn as many marks as possible.
location research
this is the scene/location in which we plan to film are 2 minute opening of the film.the reason that we have decided to film it by a bridge is so we can make the audience believe that a victum has been pushed off a bridge and died. the location is easy to get to because it isnt far away from where any of the cast of the film live because the bridge is old makes it seem as if no,one goes near it so it is a good place for a murder
the bridge is a good location to use because it looks old and as if not many people go near it so it is a good place for a murder
from the top of the bridge you can get really good longshots aswell as close up shots of the scene.this could be usefull at the start of the film when we are trying to get an establishing shot
this picture is of another bridge close by to the bridge we filmed the scene where the dead body is exsamined.this bridge had to be used because we couldnt actually stand under the bridge where we filmed because it has train tracks on it and trains pass by ever so oftern.
this bridge was a good place to film the scene where the man with the case get thrown off a bridge because this bridge is only about ten foot above ground so if someone was falling then there wouldnt be a fatal drop. this bridge was also usefull because it has street lights that provided light in a scene where we were filming in the dark. this is important because without it the camerea couldnt pick up movement at all.
the bridge is a good location to use because it looks old and as if not many people go near it so it is a good place for a murder
from the top of the bridge you can get really good longshots aswell as close up shots of the scene.this could be usefull at the start of the film when we are trying to get an establishing shot
this picture is of another bridge close by to the bridge we filmed the scene where the dead body is exsamined.this bridge had to be used because we couldnt actually stand under the bridge where we filmed because it has train tracks on it and trains pass by ever so oftern.
this bridge was a good place to film the scene where the man with the case get thrown off a bridge because this bridge is only about ten foot above ground so if someone was falling then there wouldnt be a fatal drop. this bridge was also usefull because it has street lights that provided light in a scene where we were filming in the dark. this is important because without it the camerea couldnt pick up movement at all.
what is your favourite genre
when we did a questionaire to see what type/genre of film most people liked we came across these results.10% of all the veiwers favorate genre was horror whereas 15% of the people asked said that there favorate type of film was action films.30 % of the audience said that they liked crime films the most.only 5% of people said that they liked romance films the most. 20 % of the audience said that there favorate film were scifi films. and a thurther 15% of the scifi lovers said that there favorate film of all time was one of the 6 star wars films.adventure films was chose by only 10 % of the audience and comedy was only chose by 10% of the audience.
this chart shows why we decided to make an opening to a crime film,because stats show that it would be very successful
this chart shows why we decided to make an opening to a crime film,because stats show that it would be very successful
how many DVDs do you own?
this pie chart show the results to the question how many dvds do you own? the results were quite spread out but apparently alot of people have over 50 dvds. with 40% of the overall number of people owning more then 50 DVDs.25% of the people owned between 21 and 40 dvds and 25% also owned between 41and 50 dvds which means that only 10 % of people asked own less then 20 dvds!
what do you expect from a crime thriller
we asked 100 people what they expected in a stereotypical
crime thriller film. half of the overall people said that the first thing that
they thought of when someone said the words crime thriller was murder. Whereas
10% said that they wanted and expected to see dark scenes in a crime thriller.
10 % also said that they expected to see a tropical country or exotic location.
And the remaining 30% of the audience said that they wanted to see something
else in a crime thriller
how oftern do you go to the cinema
we made a questionnaire and the results came up with. Only
10% of all the people we asked said that they don’t go to the cinema at all whereas
70% of the people we asked said that they went to the cinema about once every
month and the remaining 20% of people asked said they go to the cinema more than
once a month.
Thursday, 21 November 2013
the 18 symbal represents the fact that the film can only be veiwed by people over the age of 18.Typical reasons for restricting films to the 18 certificate category have included scenes of hard drug use, supernatural horror, explicit sex, sadistic violence and sexual violence — the last two of which have in the past led to a certificate not being issued at all, effectively banning the film in the UK
Wednesday, 20 November 2013
horror titles
horror title sequances have changed since the 80s.they used to be a black background with red(blood coloured wrighting)
the type of font s have changed because the film will be taken more seriously if it has a font that is simeler to that of a drama. the blue or white wrighting that most horror films have had sinse 2000 creates thet effect that the story is real
Tuesday, 19 November 2013
prelimanary task
this is the prelimanary task. we were asked to go an film a peace of fotage with match on action and differant shots such as over the shoulder shots and we had to stick to the 180 degree rule
this is the prelimanary task. we were asked to go an film a peace of fotage with match on action and differant shots such as over the shoulder shots and we had to stick to the 180 degree rule
Monday, 18 November 2013
opening to se7en
the lighting in the scene looks as if someone is sat with a lamp doing work. this already introduces us to the main character (the detective) in this film. in this scene we see a hand holding a razor blade this tells the audience that this film is going to contain violence
because of the fast pace editing and camera work in this scene it hints towards the fact that there will be some action in this film
the use of font in this scene makes it look as if it has been calved with a knife. this makes the audience feel like there will be some amount of violence in this film. by reading some of whats in the profile of the killer we can see at certain points the words killed,children,sexual and the phrase "much different." this shows the viewer that the killer of the victim/victims is extremely strange and it also shows them what kind of person will be in this film.the way that the colour red keeps coming up in the scene shows and reminds the audience of blood. it could also represent a dark room where detectives hang pictures of the crime scene. this tells the audience that there has been a crime
the fact that the writing in this scene is mostly typed instead of being hand written shows the audience that the profile of the criminal is being looked at by more then one person
because the names brad pitt and Morgan freeman appear in the scene we can tell taht this is a high budget film because the two actors are extremely expensive to higher. because the two names are written in white on top of black we can tell that this film is going to be quite dramatic.
the scary but yet dramatic music in this scene tells the audience that the film is going to have some scary moments in it bt also some serious moments in it.
Sunday, 17 November 2013

these are pictures of the questionaire we made to find out peoples religous beliefs and how many DVDs they own and there hobbies it also asks how old they are so we can see what appeals to what age of the audience
in the second page of the questionaire we asked what the particepators favorait genre is
Wednesday, 13 November 2013
school of rock opening
the audience can also tel that the film is going to be about music because of the way the director has made the name of the production company be on a bouncers shirt as the camera man is filming what looks like the back stage of a gig in a bar.later on in this scene we see the main character Dewey Finn on stage holding a guitar which indicates that music is a main theme in this film .
the clothing in this scene makes it look as if it is a rock concert or has people that that you would associate with a rock concert because the are wherein mostly black clothing with studs or spikes
there are dark colours in this scene are everywhere because of the lighting isn't bright and a lot of the lights are red or green instead of white this makes the audience feel like this isnt a very freindly place e.g. not somewhere you would take your chiled
Thursday, 7 November 2013
urban setting
we tried to create an urban setting by using clothing(hoodies) and props such as the mobile phone to maken a city like setting
Wednesday, 6 November 2013
Tuesday, 5 November 2013
scream oppening scene
the fact that the killer isnt actually shown on camera means that the audience isnt being made to simpathise with him.whereas the women in the house is shown on the camera a lot because the producers are trying to make the audience feel simpathetic towards the women
in this image taken from the scene drew barrymore looks shocked and scared this conforms to the steriotype that women are defenceless and need a man to protect them this scene also conforms to the steriotype that women sit at home and dont really work. in this picture drew barrymore is wherein a light coloured jumper and she has long blonde hair both of these things are seen as feminate things, this makes the audience feel like she is vunrible
the fact that the name of the film is scream shows the audience that it is going to be a scary film because using the title scream suggests that the movie is going to scare the audience and make them scream
Friday, 1 November 2013
lord of the rings opening
in the first scene we see the making of the ring from mid shot. this makes the audience feel like they are a part of the quest of the ring because they feel like they were there when it was first made.
the name of the film "Lord of the rings" suggests that the film is going to be a fantasy adventure film because the word lord suggests a man of great importance and it also suggests that the film is based before the year 2000 because people used the word "lord" more frequently in this time period.
in the opening scene it also shows a close up of a map that says Mordor.This shows the audience that the film is clearly a fantasy film as most of the audience will realize that Mordor isn't actually a real place.this scene also introduces the setting of the film in the very early stages of the film
closer to the end of this scene we see a battle scene. this indicates that the film is going to have fighting tand weapons in it. the fact that this film has weapons and fighting show the audience that this is partualy an action film.
star wars a new hope oppening scene
the film name ( star wars ) indicates that the film is going to be scifi
in this title sequence the non diegetic sound suggests that there is going to be drama and dramatic scenes within the film. the music also tells the audience that the film they are watching belongs to the star wars franchise. the audience know this because the music is an iconic piece of music that was made specificly for the star wars films
Thursday, 31 October 2013
skyfall opening scene
because James bond is the first character and the only character that the audience see for the first 20 seconds it makes the audience feel close to him as a character. also because we get more close ups of James bond than any other character makes the audience see the situation from his perspective.the editors of the film aim to do this because it makes the target audience feel like they are James bond and that they are a hero for about two hours
James bond is dressed in a suit and tie this shows that James bond is a professional at what he does and it also shows that he is getting paid a lot for what he does. this contrasts to the rest of the setting because it is old and dusty and the people are not wherein smart clothing
this film has a very good cast.the two main actors in this are Daniel Craig amd dame Judi Dench. these two actors will make differant types of people want to see the film. daniel craig will atracked a younger audience because he is a good looking hero character and dame Judi Dench will make an older audience want to see the film
hot fuzz opening scene
the fast camera work and short quick shots tell the audience that there is going to be action in the film also the fire a explosions in the training scene shows that this is going to be a film with a lot of action in it
the fact that here is a lot of action in the opening scene with the driving test ,fencing and cycling and then they decide to include chess in the scene shows that this film is a comedy because to put something in a fast paced scene and then to add in something completely slow and unexciting e.g. drinking a cup of tea or playing chess is a convention of a comedy
the name of the film "hot fuzz" suggests that the film is about police officers that are good at there job because the fuzz is a nickname that British people call the police. when the audience see the name of the film they know that the film is about a police officer
throughout the whole of the opening to hot fuzz Sargent Angel's face looks serious and dedicated to the job this shows that Sargent angel is extremely serious about his job. in the opening scene it also has a sense of a city location because we can see that the building that Sargent angel is very clean slick and seems as if it is in a city and in the background of some seems we can see large buildings that look as if they are in a city. this contrast to the rest of the film that is based in a small village in the countryside
Wednesday, 30 October 2013
quantum of solace oppening scene
in the action film James bond quantum of solace, the first shot that is shown is a wide long shot of the location which is clearly not the usa or britian. the first
thing we see is a mountain (an exotic location) this tells the audience that
this could be an action film. The audience can also see that there is a lot of
fast shots in this scene which also tells them its an action film. Another
reason the audience know its an action film is because there is clearly a chase
scene involving guns and fast expensive cars. the guns in this scene help create a sense of danger because the audience feels like the hero (james bond) could die at any minute
There are explosions in this scene as well so this instantly
tells the audience that they are watching a film with a lot of violence and
Quantum of solace has a large male audience who watch James
bond films so they can escape their lives for an hour or 2 and feel like James
bond, this is why there are a lot over the shoulder shots from Daniel Craig so
the audience can see what he would be seeing. in this scene we see that james bond is wherein a black suit and tie this gives the veiwers the imprssion that he is upper class and gets paid a lot for his job it also creates the impression that james bond is a proffesional
the audience can tell that this is a high budget film
because of the explosions the stunt director has used and because the fact that
they have the money to waist cars and other vehicles just in the opening couple
of minutes the fact that the film was filmed in an exotic location also shows
that the film has a large budget
Thursday, 24 October 2013
opening to the dark knight rises
in the opening scene to the dark knight rises the audience
can instantly tell that this is an action film because of the exotic location
and the fact that there are army solders holding large guns. in this scene we
can tell that the man with the black bag on his head is the antagonist because
he doesn’t speak much and the camera doesn’t really focus on him much
in this scene we can tell that bane is the antagonist
because most of the time the villain has a strange voice or a foreign voice. the mask that bane wheres is made to look big and heavy and intimadating so the audience can tell that he is the antaganist
because in this scene we keep seeing over the shoulder shots from bane and the man talking to him we know that the main focus is on these 2 charicters and not the men in the background
the reason that bane is on his knees for most of this scene is because it shows that he isnt in a possition of power and that he has no afority over anyone
because in this scene we keep seeing over the shoulder shots from bane and the man talking to him we know that the main focus is on these 2 charicters and not the men in the background
the reason that bane is on his knees for most of this scene is because it shows that he isnt in a possition of power and that he has no afority over anyone
Monday, 21 October 2013
nightmare on elm street opening
In the opening scene to the original nightmare on elm street
the first thing the audience sees is the words “from new line cinema.” In blood
red righting that covers most of the screen. From this the audience can automatically
tell that this is a horror film because of the choice of colour and because red
(blood) is a convention of horror films
The next thing we see is a man walking across the screen
breathing heavily. The man (Freddy Kruger )then goes on to empty some metal
objects on to his old desk. He starts to fashion the metal in to blades and fix
them to a glove this shows that he is making an original and creative weapon.
From this scene the audience can tell that he is going to be the villain in the
film because he is a lonely silent and violent man.
When Freddy sticks his claws through the wall the audience
can tell what he made the glove for (killing.) when we see the girl running the
audience is supposed to sympathise with her, the director does this by giving
her allot of time on camera and by giving
her close ups so we can see her face. after the close up of her face there is a long shot of the girl running for about 20 seconds. the camera man uses this shot because it shows the audience that she is an important charicter in this scene
We don’t actually see much of Freddy Kruger’s face in the
opening scene this has an effect on the audience because it stops the audience
from feeling sorry for also tells the audience that that he probably an
ugly or deformed person.
by this scene we can tell that this is a horror film because of the lighting is generally dark.the fact that the lighting is dark shows the audience that this is a horror film. this film shows that the antaganist is hiding in the dark because he doesnt want to be seen. by people.the scenery in this scene shows that its a horror film because normal people dont hide in boiler rooms.
this whole scene conforms to the seriotype that women need a man to protect them and that if they dont have someone to protect them they are defencless
by this scene we can tell that this is a horror film because of the lighting is generally dark.the fact that the lighting is dark shows the audience that this is a horror film. this film shows that the antaganist is hiding in the dark because he doesnt want to be seen. by people.the scenery in this scene shows that its a horror film because normal people dont hide in boiler rooms.
this whole scene conforms to the seriotype that women need a man to protect them and that if they dont have someone to protect them they are defencless
Friday, 18 October 2013
comparison of James Bond films
both of these films begin in exotic locations. this is because this is what is expected from the film by the audience so the audience can feel like they have escaped from there own lives and have now entered an exotic country.
in both of the James Bond films there is a chase scene in the first two minutes of the film. the producers do this so the audience is engaged within the film almost instantly so they will want to watch the intire film
Thursday, 10 October 2013
opening to rocky 5
the opening scene to rocky v (5) shows the ending of the
previous film rocky iv (4) in this scene we see rocky balboa (Sylvester
Stallone) fighting his enemy from rocky iv
the scene shows that this film is going to be a sports/ action film. the
audience can instantly tell this because the previous film had a massive fight
scene between the two main characters which is a convention of action films the
audience can also tell that it is going to be an action film because of the
casting for the film. Sylvester Stallone is normally associated with acting in
action films this is because of his physic. the Russian actor in the scene
(Dolph lundgren) also shows a great
physic that tells the audience that there is going to be a fight scene. if you
actually look up the name dolph lundgren on Google it comes up with this
description "Dolph Lundgren is a Swedish actor, director, and martial
artist. He belongs to a generation of film actors who epitomize the action hero
stereotype, alongside Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger"
in this scene there
is a lot of fast editing and quick camera shots that show that this films is an
action film
in the scene we can see that hero and the villain of the
film are wherein boxing gloves and shorts. the audience can instantly tell that
this film is going to be about the scene we can see that on Rocky’s
shorts we can see red and white stripes with a blue band going around the top
of them, this resembles the American flag. because the film is an American film
the audience can infer from this picture that rocky is the hero of the
Wednesday, 9 October 2013
over the shoulder shot
over the sholder shots are shots in wich the camera man films from the side of the head or over the sholder of the actor/ actress. usually this is used when two characters are having a conversation
this is an over the sholder shot from the film super bad. this over the shoulder shot shows the expression on one characters face and how he feels about the other character in the shot
and this is an over the sholder shot from an interveiw with the U.S presedent barrack obama

Tuesday, 8 October 2013
Research and Planning Targets
Well done Ashley - a very nice start to your research and planning.
For your analysius of opening two minutes make sure you comment on the following things to show a broad understanding and appreciation:
Target Audience
Use of titles
Pace of editing
Mise en Scene
Camera Composition
Use of sound
Genre conventions
A really good start! Begin to plan your film now!
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